Sabtu, 16 Februari 2019

Network Unit

Network Unit

easy way to integrate multiplayer functions

Network devices are a way to decentralize multi-player games and give developers an easy way to integrate multi-player features. We will use the Ethereal blockchain and smart contract functions to create a platform that allows hardware owners (service providers) to share unused bandwidth and processor resources with developers who usually need their own servers. to make tokens. Do That players can extract chips from the platform by connecting their portfolios with their game accounts to become active customers. Thus, network blocks have a unique data mining process in two completely different ways, but it is interesting to generate tokens.
Why play multiplayer? 
Games with multi-player aspects make gamers busier. Realtime First Person Shooters generally have single player and multiplayer modes, and the addition of multiplayer modes can increase the average hours of the game to a factor of 7. 
Problems that Occur in the Community? 
Wasted computing resources
Most personal computers and server computing power that are leased and bandwidth are not maximally utilized. The plan is an improper server, or the average mastered computer owner uses it to browse the web, write documents and occasional candy candy games are a few examples
Big games need big infrastructure
Infrastructure that is limited to the launch of the game can turn the game into a failure. Network latency or down-time killing game play experience and optimizing resource efficiency make game development increasingly expensive. The loss of turnover and subsequent reputation damage is significant. The DDOS Xmas 2014 attack on Sony is a very well-known example of this.
We Offer Solutions 
All the problems mentioned above can be solved or corrected by the Network Unit platform.
Turning garbage into a treasure
There’s a lot of unused processing power and bandwidth out there, the Network Unit intends to use it to be a blockade-controlled depleted infrastructure used for cost-effective and reliable multiplayer games.
Gamers can mine tokens by playing
Network units are unique in the sense that their verification process rewards gamers who connect their wallets to their game accounts with tokens because they help verify service providers. This not only helps improve user counters but can encourage new players to get tokens and have a lot of fun in the process.
The Network Unit Platform has two ways to attract mining tokens.
1. By sharing bandwidth and processing power, you can become a service provider and contribute to network unit infrastructure. 
The role of service providers is to borrow bandwidth and processing power by contributing to the multiplayer infrastructure. Service providers will be rewarded with NU tokens. To confirm active time, service providers check randomly whether other random service providers are online. The bad node or bad execution node will pay the penalty given to the verifier.
2. Helps you verify your service provider and connect the Wallet to your game account.
An active client is a gamer who chooses to link his wallet to his game account. Their role is to “complain” to provide verification to service providers. If the service provider receives an adequate complaint, they will be punished as NU tokens from the stake. This process will help strengthen NU’s infrastructure, strengthen the NU ecosystem, and provide incentives to gamers!
  1. Useless computing resources. 
    Most of the computing power and bandwidth of personal computers and leasing servers have not fully utilized that possibility.
  2. The multiplayer function is painful and can make you have to integrate. 
    Writing your own network code can be complicated and time-consuming. Managing your own server can be as complicated and expensive as well.
  3. Incentives for gamers may be difficult. 
    Without the right incentives gamers can get bored with potentially good games.
  4. This is not a fair fight. 
    Gamers expect fair games and good challenges. Unfortunately, most of them haven’t got it yet. Broken or damaged matchmaking mechanisms destroy the entire gaming community
  5. Large-scale games require large infrastructure. 
    Because the infrastructure at the time of the game launch is limited, good games can end in failure. Game development is becoming increasingly expensive due to network latency and downtime which turns off the gaming experience and optimizes resource efficiency.
All of the above problems can be solved or greatly enhanced by the Network Unit platform.
  • Let’s turn garbage into wealth.
  • Multiplayer functions make it easy and inexpensive to integrate.
  • Gamers can dig tokens by playing.
  • Reputation system
● Company Registration for Bad Badger
● Release Wood Smash 3D on iOS and Android
● El Mirador releases on iOS and Android with the support of VR Cardboard
● Expansion to Holographic and VR Research & Development for applications, games and entertainment
● Experiment the feasibility of .netcore for multiplayer server functionality
Q1 2017
● Researching the currently proposed Multiplayer Framework Solution
● Research Optimization Code for Dark Experiences in VR & Holo
Q2 2017
● UDP and RUDP library experiments
● Zocap Mocap development
● Implementation of Spatial Mapping for HoloZombies
Q3 2017
● Bled of State Fighting Political Release Games for iOS and Android.
● Application Unit Network Service Provider Proof of Concept Development
Q1 2018
● Early Smart Contract Development for Reputation Verification
● Network Unit Unit Demo Demo Demo Concepts
● Obtain more programmers as contractors and / or staff
Q2 2018
● Convert UDP and RUDP libraries to .netcore.
● Feasibility Study of TCP integration.
● Development of Initial Smart Contracts for Active Client Verification
Q3 2018
● Development of Initial Smart Contracts for Masternode Bets
● Initial Release of the Service Provider Application
Q4 2018
● The Unity Network Unit Assets Release with the initial Real Time Action Network functionality.
Q1 2019
● Research on Blockchain Storage and Database viability
● Release Featured Title 1
Q2 2019
● Full integration of RUDP and or reliable TCP protocol
Q3 2019
● Release Featured Title 2
Q4 2019
● Next Phase Release from the Unit Asset Network Unit with TCP and / or RUDP functions.
Q1 2020
● Release Featured Title 3
Meet the Extraordinary Team
For more information, please visit:
Username: Schildhauer 

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