Sabtu, 22 September 2018


FiiiCoin Blockchain for Everyone.

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Today we are in a position to enter a new era, called the blockchain or, more precisely, 'Internet Value', which is based on digital goods. Blockchain allows us to exchange digital assets anytime anywhere in the world. Like traditional registers, blockchain is basically a transaction log. This transaction can be in the form of an exchange of money, goods or data. Decentralized applications and decentralization generally tend to capture all new technologies, important steps taken in this field that are now beginning to attract more revenue streams from visionary investors.
Now I want to introduce you to one of the startups this year called Agnum. I will explain to you about this start-up, official sales of chips, teams, and potential.

What is FiiiCoin

Fiiicoin is a transaction system designed based on cellular mining where every smart phone user will be able to participate in maintaining a full chain-block network without relying on expensive mining machines and graphics cards. The main purpose of making this coin is to reuse current resources, especially cellphones to take part in the mining process. Even non-IT users or crypto fans who do not have money to invest can get rewards by only taking part in the cellular mining system.
The DPiC FiiiCOIN concept comes from the PoC concept of the Burst Coin. FiiiLab can improve it further by rewriting the code in C #, to make DPoC more stable, more energy efficient and safer. This algorithm is also a fairer consensus mechanism, and is developed for cellular mining. “FiiiLab CTO and co-founder Sylvester to Nasdaq explained senior reporter Jane King.
Cryptocurrency is still largely considered “too volatile”, “too complicated” or “something for high-end users” by the average user. FiiiCOIN was developed with the aim of changing this perception altogether by making cryptocurrency very user-friendly and accessible to users from all backgrounds.
This is our vision to form a unique user-centric Blockchain ecosystem where data, funds and information, in general, can be shared smoothly and safely while at the same time thoroughly simplifying participation criteria to pave the way for total participation in the Blockchain ecosystem .
In essence, this is our main vision to build the Blockchain ecosystem not only for selected users, but for every user out there.


As a Utility Token, with compatibility to build in FiiiPOS, it forms a healthy blockchain ecosystem. FiiiLab builds this ecosystem by collaborating with more blockchain companies, and FiiiPOS is targeted to integrate with more than 1500 cryptocurrency in the next 24 months. “It is hoped that this will help FiiiPOS terminals penetrate and sweep the consumer market,” said the founder of FiiiLab and CSO Joey Huang.
So that 99% of other non-cryptocurrency users adopt Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency, don’t limit them to speculative investment. The easiest way to make it happen is to treat your friends with coffee using Bitcoin.

Coin distribution:


Team member:

You can find all the details about this project and the steps they will take. take a more complicated form and with further technical details at the address listed below:  
Yellowpaper: pdf
Telegram (China):   
Telegram (UK):   
Medium:   https : //

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