Minggu, 23 September 2018


  1. ARROUND  : revolutionary 

ARROUND is an augmented reality platform through which new opportunities for advertising are created, working using blockchain technology. Regular users will be able to interact with augmented reality elements (hereafter AR) through applications for mobile devices. In addition to users, the ARROUND platform will be able to unify brands, advertisers, advertising agencies, and AR technology developers in their ecosystems. The movement towards the development of VR and AR technology today is a more promising one, as evidenced by a large number of companies working in this industry. This is also indicated by the capitalization of these companies.
What problems are resolved by this platform
The problem for advertisers is the saturation of the advertising market in the real world, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, and the growth of financial costs for it. ARROUND creates a new space to place ads where it will have a target orientation, and will cost much less. Also, this platform solves the problem of unclaimed AR technology. On that basis, there will be an interaction between advertisers and AR developers, which will encourage the latter to develop new technologies.
The main tool in advertiser communication and users will be an application for mobile devices. Through it, users will be able to see advertisements and other items posted in AR. The application itself is available for download (for Android systems), but in test mode so that the average user will not be able to register. The basic concept in the application is “round”. This is digital content (3D objects, images, text, links to multiple resources) related to a particular location. Under AR conditions, there is a wide opportunity to use rounds for marketing purposes. Thus, ordinary users will be able to make their own rounds (which will be able to see only themselves, or their friends). Advertisers will have a wider range of functions in making such content: it can be a flat banner ad (not only containing text or images, but also videos), 3D objects, navigation. At the same time, the visibility of each round for the user can be configured depending on the advertising objectives, as well as on the tariff plans purchased by advertisers.
In the ARROUND application there are three main components: the camera (through interaction with AR elements occurs), news feed from the round (the user receives news only from the rounds in which he subscribes), maps with rounded views on the terrain. There will also be different user roles: ordinary users (interact with round advertisers and other users, have limited opportunities to make rounds), professional bloggers (have wider functions to make rounds), brand accounts (company accounts), advertising agent accounts (creating ad content using various tools), moderator (advising users on problems that arise, controlling the creation of rounds according to internal rules).
What is interesting for users of the ARROUND platform? First and foremost is the ability to filter out not attracting ads, news, etc. Normal users, looking for, for example, in the Mall through a smartphone camera will be able to see their interests, advertisement of goods. In addition, there is an opportunity to make their own rounds, or rounds to see friends. For advertisers, very good conditions are made for advertising campaigns, allowing them to rely on high performance. Ad content is targeted, and will only be visible to users who are interested in it, and who are potential customers. Also, ads in AR will require far less financial costs (because there are no intermediaries, promoters, no fees for the physical production of advertisements, installations, etc.). This means that advertising on Billboard in the real world will be far more expensive than placing it in this place, only in AR. Provisions are also made for the work of advertising agencies and freelancers. By using platform tools, they will be able to create content needed for advertising for customers.

ARROUND Platform

The server holder and ARROUND blockchain server to store and process visual content
Users will be able to get information about promotional offers and where they occur through ARROUND
Brands and Advertisers
Brands and advertisers will be able to use ARROUND as a platform, which in turn uses large data to direct them to the best audience within walking distance
Advertising agency
Advertising agencies and advertising agencies and freelancers will be able to offer brand content development using platform tools, and content platforms will also provide tools for producers and organizers of direct events and missions in augmented reality
AR Device Developer
Integrate the device with the platform and expand its user base
Application Developer
Provides software for AR content implementation
Use of tokens
ARRAY tokens (made on the Ethereum blockchain) are the only internal payment units. Users depend on their role on this platform, and features will pay for ARROUND. First, ARRs can be purchased at all stages of sales, and will then be available on the exchange. In the future, the team plans to switch to its own blockchain.
Port arround Augmented Reality Glasses to ODG and Microsoft HoloLens 
Engage platform advertising agency 
Запуск рекламных компаний с крупными аптечными сетями в Европе 
Develop self-service module for agencies to establish their own AR content
The first auction in the secondary market for selling advertising space in the platform 
Launching SDK, attracts third-party developers to the platform 
Launching pilot projects with partners in 
US Expansion into new markets: China, Japan, Korea, Europe


Team members are represented on the site along with links to their pages on LinkedIn. Note that there are only 9 people, which allows us to assume that not all team members. This SEO project is Neil Bryant, since 2003 working in Moscow. Prior to that, he held positions related to financial and marketing activities in companies such as Badoo, PayOnline, Alpari Group, RIA Novosti. Among our participants noted Artem Haritonov, who also participated in the KYC. ILAL project team, and Kate Bublik, who participated in the Humancoin project team.
Let’s look at the advisory team. There are 5 of them. The most famous of them are: Vladimir Nikitin (participating in projects such as: KYC. LEAL, Pecunio, FTEC, DIW Token, Nauticus, Worldopoly, Enlte, Iagon) and Nathan Christian (participating in such projects: Moonlite, VeriME, Friendz , Online, Worldopoly, Bulleon, Datablockchain).
Everyone must decide whether to participate in the sale of tokens or not. I will not reject personal dispositions for this project. And that really makes sense. The active development of VR and AR technology is what awaits us in the near future, and this industrial market is difficult to imagine. And the idea of ​​using AR to create alternative advertising space seems very successful for me. The ARROUND platform not only can solve many of the problems in the advertising market, but also create conditions for more effective development. In addition, we have noted above that it will be interesting and useful not only for advertisers, but also for ordinary users, bloggers, advertising agencies and freelancers, AR developers.



The initial idea to create a communication platform based on augmented reality
Optimizing the business concept of the project
Presentation of ideas and feedback


Project technical specifications

The first major partner, 36.6 which runs the largest pharmaceutical network in Russia
Investment into the development of MVP


Launch the mobile application for iOS and Android

Launch the first campaign with partners, 36.6 and the Atrium shopping center
Release the alpha version, seed the platform with content and open the door for targeted users


Port ARROUND to ODG Augmented Reality Glasses and Microsoft HoloLens

Launch an advertising campaign with major pharmaceutical chains throughout Europe
Involve advertising agencies on the platform
Develop self-service modules for advertising agencies to build their own AR content2020
The first auction on the secondary market for selling advertising space on the platform
Launching SDK, attracts third-party developers to the platform
Expansion into new markets: China, Japan, Korea, Europe
Launch of a pilot project with partners in the US
Port arround Augmented Reality Glasses to ODG and Microsoft HoloLens 
Engage platform advertising agency 
Запуск рекламных компаний с крупными аптечными сетями в Европе 
Develop self-service module for agencies to establish their own AR content
The first auction in the secondary market for selling advertising space in the platform 
Launching SDK, attracts third-party developers to the platform 
Launching pilot projects with partners in 
US Expansion into new markets: China, Japan, Korea, Europe


48.3%: Sales (Pre-sales sales and Tokens) 
8.2%: Bonus tokens for Pre-sale sales and 
22% Token sales : CDF Community Development Funds (including advisors, partners, etc.) 
10%: Funds Development of Network – a fund to support 
10% main node holder (NDF) : Team 
1.5%: Bounty
ARROUND has partnered with big brands such as Unilever, Scania and Campari to launch an AR marketing campaign. We also work with 36.6, a pharmaceutical chain with more than 2,000 physical outlets, to commercialize navigation products in our stores. 

Telegram:  https://t.me/altairvr

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